“Laugh and the world laughs with you,” they say; “cry and the world laughs AT you.” That’s how it feels, bro. That’s how it feels. Oh, you did jokes this time. Hey, you guys are some funny guys. Pretty funny guys. Yep.

Sorry, still feeling the anesthetic. Gotta lie down soon. Here are the results…

Match A

1. Beau

At the last bar in town it felt welcome, the string sat mournfully by the fire, nursing a beer.  It used to be that cheekily shouting “I’m a frayed knot!” would bring laughs, maybe a drink on the house.  Now its usefulness was gone.  After taking one final soak in its Heineken, the string flung itself into the fire.


2. Ian Pratt

A man sits down at a bar and orders nine shots.

“This is the worst day of my life. My dog died, my car was stolen, I lost my job, and my wife left me.”

“Wow, that’s rough,” says the bartender. “No wonder you’re getting drunk.”

“Oh, no,” the man says. “That’s just because I’m also a raging alcoholic.”


MATTHEW: Aww. I like story 1! So much pathos for the brief life of a string. And that joke is one of my all-time favorites. But I’m going to give the edge in this week’s competition to folks who actually tried to tell or craft a joke, and that’s absolutely what happened in story 2. It was pretty good too! WINNER: #2

ANDY: I like both of these a lot. Very clever. I enjoyed the matter-of-fact punchline in the second one, so that’s my winner.

Novak – I can tell I’m going to love this challenge.  It might get old by the end, but I’m enjoying it now.  #1 turns in a nice story, and I like putting the joke in the middle for some reason.  #2 feels like an attempt at a new joke (I feel like I’ve heard things along this line before…?), but it feels a little awkward with the language in the last line for some reason.  I want to reward the creativity of #2, but in this case I feel like the writing is crisper in #1, so #1 wins.

WINNER: Ian Pratt


Match B

1. David Larson

“Hey Moose, did you know there are 10 types of people in the world.”


“Yeah, those that understand binary numbers, and those that don’t!”

“What about the other eight?”

“No, it’s a joke.”

“What the heck’s a binary?”

The last thing Steve could recall as he awoke in the hospital was the fist that pounded him 10 times.


2. Sarah Johnson

An Amish man and his son stood before an elevator, hypnotized by the flashing lights and sliding panels. They gasped as an elderly woman stepped aboard, pushed a glowing button, and disappeared. Moments later, the machine whirred open and a gorgeous young woman strolled out. The man turned to his son.



MATTHEW: I have no idea if the joke in Story 2 was already in circulation, or if it was fresh…but it’s new to me, and it actually made me laugh. Story 1 wasn’t bad at all, but it wasn’t a joke so much as a story about a joke. But Story 2 still would’ve carried this one without my little joke-rule. WINNER: #2

ANDY: You really had me going there, #1, a joke after my own heart (I’m a programmer by day). But unfortunately, the punchline just didn’t reach the heights for me, sorry. Funny, but not hilarious, I guess. #2 constructed a great story-joke. The language flows very nicely, and the punchline hits the spot. It’s so much like a real joke, I feel like you must have stolen it. I’ll assume not, though. Congrats, #2.

Novak – Yup, I’m loving it.  I’ve never heard #2, though I feel like I should have.  A fantastic, efficient joke-telling.  #1 takes a somewhat classic gag, and turns it into more of a story.  The descent into the pounding made me laugh again, but I just can’t get past – or maybe I don’t want to – the effectiveness of #2, so that one wins.

WINNER: Sarah Johnson


Match C

1. Zack Sauvageau

“What’s the difference between Paris Hiton and a dead baby?” Mike couldn’t hide how proud of himself he was with this joke.

Janet replied through clenched teeth. “I dunno, what?”

“I wouldn’t fuck Paris Hilton!” Mike laughed, and looked at Janet awaiting a response. She forced out a pained smile.

She’d tell him she was pregnant tomorrow.


2. Peter Bruzek

Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?

A: Considering the bird’s self-awareness, I’m not even sure the chicken knows. Do these things not usually cross roads? I’m pretty sure I saw one cross a road yesterday, I didn’t pause to consider its nonexistent motivations. Why is this so important to you? Go read a book or something.


MATTHEW: Story 1 is gross, but so is Paris Hilton. Neither of these fit in the “Write a new joke” criteria…I mean, technically I guess story 1 has a new joke in it, but that’s not what the story’s about. But Story 2 was about jokes in a broader sense, which is very interesting. BUT NOT FUNNY. NO. WINNER: #1

ANDY: I really enjoyed #1. I’m a sucker for people who think they’re funny but always find themselves making jokes in the wrong situation (see: Fred Willard). #2 feels like it’s struggling to find the humor, and doesn’t quite get there. Better luck next time. Winner: #1.

Novak – First off, something happened here to tell me that entry #2 was Pete’s.  I hope it really is.  Because let me tell you, it’s the suckiest bunch of suck that ever sucked.  Unless it’s not Pete’s.  Truth be told, I really enjoyed it.  Quite the approach… just not quite enough to trump #1, which turns in a real story, and packs some emotional punch.  Turning the telling of the joke into the story is an effective way to tackle this challenge, so #1 wins for me.

WINNER: Zack Sauvageau


Match D

1.  AMR

Ole and Sven pushed off from the dock at the same time.  Sven was into gambling and yelled, “Betcha some Copenhagen I’ll catch more!”  Ole’s quick nod and big smile worried Sven, and he only caught a few sunnies.

Back at the dock, Ole’s choked back tears and tossed Sven a can of snus, shouting “Yaah, I got nothing.”


2.  Colin Woolston

Dripping with viscera, Charlie wiped chunks of cartilage and brain from his boot and dropped the now still heart in the gutter.  As he was turning away, he aimed a toothy snarl at the mangled corpse and said “No I am not glad you didn’t say banana.

“I fucking love bananas.”


MATTHEW: Both of these strike me as a statement of personal truth. And I think technically they both count as new jokes. So I’m giving the victory to #2 since it made me laugh more. WINNER: #2

ANDY: I’m sorry, #1, but I don’t get it. Is it funny because it’s not funny? This one went over my head. #2 dazzles us with language normally reserved for the higher writing forms, and it’s funny to boot. Easy winner to #2.

Novak – Is there a specific joke in #1 that I don’t know?  Or is the joke that the author has nothing?  I’m guessing the later…  Still, we’re dealing with the classic characters, so I won’t dock it for that (eh?  eh?).  The characters are definitely there in their glory..  #2 is brilliant.  Just… effective and funny and colorful.  I wasn’t quite sure what I was looking for.  This was it.  #2 wins.

WINNER: Colin Woolston


Match E

1. Christina Pepper

A girl named Ken doesn’t have it easy. The other kids would chase me up to Highway 10, daring me to play chicken with the cars. One day I finally ran clear across and left town for good. So why did the chick, Ken, cross the road? You bet your ass it was to get to the other side.


2.  Eric Schapp

“Mr. Hyde, would you like to say anything?”

“Yes your honor…you hear the one about the only good lawyer?”

Astonished, the Honorable Jekyll took off his glasses and exhaled loudly. “That is NOT funny! Testimony was already given you told that ‘joke’ to Mr. Utterson shortly before his death. Death by hanging it is.”

The gavel bang echoed forcefully.


MATTHEW: Story 2, I don’t get it. I’m sorry. The only good lawyer is a dead lawyer, yeah, but connecting it to the verdict seems…shaky? Story 1, I get it…wish you’d managed to avoid using the word “chicken” prematurely in the set-up, but I do get it. WINNER: #1

ANDY: Uh-oh, we started off so well this week, but neither of these did it for me. #1, let me finish reading the rest of these first, but you might get the award for corniest joke of the century. Quite a groaner. #2, while somewhat more clever, lacked a bit of punch. It was a bit too convoluted. However, I found the word choice and language more advanced than #1, so that makes the difference. Winner: #2.

Novak – I like these both for completely different reasons.  I hope like crazy #1 is Beau’s, given that the contrivance is the humor.  Funny stuff.  #2 plays on some classic identities in a way that brings a new level of depth to the story.  I wish the last two sentences were flipped though.  Both are good, but #2 wins for me.

WINNER: Eric Schapp


Match F

1. Dean Carlson

Charlie came home to find three big envelopes on the desk.  A golden one from the University of Minnesota, a red one from Boston University, and a white one from Wisconsin-Madison. Charlie opens the first two, both of which say Congratulations…..  Charlie looks at the third, rips it up and says Badgers?  We don’t need no stinkin’ Badgers!


2.  Will Young

One day, Simon felt an internal urge to return to his home.   During his trip he reconnected with Tim who reluctantly admitted to sharing the same feeling.  For a week, they traveled rapidly while overcoming numerous obstacles.  Everything seemed to flow against them. Finally, their path was blocked by a giant, concrete wall.

Turning to Tim, Simon muttered, “Dam.”


MATTHEW: Two new jokes! I don’t know if I missed some kind of reference in the character names in story 2, but it didn’t hit me as solidly as the laugh at the end of story 1. WINNER: #1

ANDY: I owe some apologies to the previous Chick, Ken entry. These are starting to give it a run for its money. I guess most jokes are this corny, aren’t they? Pun vs. pun. This one is a tough call. I’m giving the edge to #1, whose lead-up was more compelling.

Novak – Can I take a guess at the author of #1?  Funny line, if cribbed a bit from UHF.  And a solid little story to it too.  #2 is one of my favorite jokes.  It’s stupid, but I love it.  I really like the names here, the play on words, all of it.  And yet, it doesn’t quite work for me…  Still… it’s my “Close Call”, and I’m going with the joke I love better.  #2 wins.

WINNER: Dean Carlson


Match G

1.  Melissa D

The intruder in the cow costume pointed his shotgun at her.  The mask muffled his voice.  “Knock knock.”

Trembling, hands bound by rope, she didn’t know what else to do.  “Wh-who’s there?”

He cocked his gun.  “The interrupting cow.”

“The interrupting cow–”


Blood hit the damp basement wall.  He took off his cow mask.

He laughed.


2. Kelly Wells

The lake calls me gently.  I’m almost home.  I toss my last empty Schlitz into the water.

My energy has left me  as I drag the heavy stone chained to my ankle over another slit, but I’ll have time to rest soon enough.

I’m out of slits, and I’m out of pier.  I drop the stone into the lake.


MATTHEW: Okay, I’m pretty damn sure I’m missing something in story 2. Some reference or pun or…SOMEthing. I apologize, Story2writer. Story 1 is based on my absolute favorite knock knock joke ever, and it’s wonderfully hyperviolent. WINNER: #1

ANDY: I really don’t know what to make of #2. I assume the “joke” is the pun of slits=Schiltz and pier=beer? If so, it’s a bit of a stretch. Otherwise, any other joke is lost on me. I normally reward originality, but I felt this one went a bit too far. #1 was great, except you added a bunch of stuff after the punchline. The last three lines were unnecessary, I felt the joke would have been much stronger if you had ended with “BLAM”. However, I enjoyed it much more than #2. Winner: #1.

Novak – A new joke in number 2, and great writing too.  There’s a strong tone there, and I ate it up.  #1 takes another classic and turns it dark, in a really fun way.  I was hoping someone would find a way to do knock knock jokes like this one does ‘em.  The last two sentences probably aren’t even needed, and they kind of break the scene for me.  In a tight matchup, that’s trouble enough.  #2 wins.

WINNER: Melissa D


Match H

1.  Erik Dikken

Two fish sat in a tank. But it wasn’t a fish tank, it was a military tank. They flopped around for a bit before suffocating and dying. The maintenance crew picked them up and threw them away. I wonder how they got in the tank, it’s certainly not their natural habitat. Anyway, the fish were never thought of again.


2.  Erik S

A red halo ringed the stool where the Grizzly had just mauled the floozy sitting at the end of the bar.

He plodded back to the unimpressed bartender, jowls dripping blood.

“I told you maul that bimbo if you didn’t serve me!”

“We can’t serve bears beer!   Can’t serve junkies neither!”

“I’m not a junkie!”

“What about that barbiturate!?”


MATTHEW: I am a sucker for non-stories like #1 usually, but story 2 was an actual joke which made me actually laugh. Is it new? It seems like someone woulda thought of this before. Whatever, I liked it. WINNER: #2

ANDY: #1, I really liked the voice you established, and I was really excited to see where it was going. Unfortunately, it just kind of trailed off. Even though trailing off fits the established character, it didn’t really work. I was hoping for something more. Ah, another pun, #2. I felt prepared for it, waiting for it to make its appearance. Was it coming in “maul that bimbo”… no. Ah, there it is, at the end, where it should be. Although I am mighty impressed with your word choice and the feat of turning it into a pun, the lead-up drew on a bit long (even in this short of space). A little more concise and tight and it would have been better. Plus you have some awkward language in there, perhaps a typo? Both of these had great potential, and didn’t quite deliver. I’m going to give it to #1, which I felt had bigger potential.

Novak – Oh wow, #2 took a tough road with the joke that only really works when spoken.  Pretty effective dialogue and solid images.  #1 is maybe the one of these I get the least.  I hope I’m not missing something obvious, but it seems like that lack of consequence really cuts the legs out from under the entry.  #2 is my winner.



Writers, you’ve got your challenge for next time. Just make sure you let us know whether you’d like the upcoming challenge to have a Sunday deadline rather than Wednesday (if you haven’t already). Here are your matchups for the next go-round:

Colin Woolston vs. Beau

Ian Pratt vs. DPWY

AMR vs. Pete Bruzek

Dean Carlson vs. Erik S

Zack Sauvageau vs. Sarah Johnson

Erik Dikken vs. Kelly Wells

David Larson vs. Eric Schapp

Melissa D vs. Christina Pepper