This site needs a new feature like it needs a hole in the head, but I’ve been promising some former players for some time now that I’d figure out a way to run a game with Survivor challenges that eliminates the strategic scheming facet of the game. I’m not sure I understand why people would want to eliminate the beauty of the double-cross from this thing, but here we are (seriously, though, I think this could be a ton of fun, and fairly quick).

The Creative Writing Marathon would combine Andrew M’s desire to play a game solely based on writing chops with Beau’s Turbo format (sort of) and AMR’s wishes to read a lot of the more “random short challenges.”

I’d run it this way:

*Twice a week (due Monday and Thursday, I think) there will be writing challenges that will probably not exceed 300 words. Nobody will be eliminated, but at the end of the season, the four highest scorers will be admitted into the playoffs for the championship.

*The judges – and frankly, it might just have to be me since I’m the only person who’s obsessive enough to do this every day – would hand out scores on the medal system. At the end of the day, the person with the fewest points would be eliminated, with, of course, non-submissions superseding low scores. I realize running challenges every day would make it tough on some, so I might have a bank of points that people can use (like, if they’re going to miss a day, they can say “I’ll use ten of my banked points for today.”

*I guess I don’t need a third bullet point. It would run until there were two people left, and after the last challenge, the person with more total points is the winner.

The nice thing about this is that I could run several a year without it getting too taxing on me, given the short challenges, and AMR’s short attention span would be sated with all the short challenges. And, though challenges would be due the day they’re announced, the Turbo site wouldn’t be utilized because any issues would seriously screw up the flow of the game. I’d just make a post with the challenge every day.

Comment on the format and join the game here if you like. Survivor XI doesn’t start until August 15th, so I would love to start a game on Monday if a lot of people are interested.

Now to get Werewolf together. Man, these days off make me think I’ve got all the time in the world…

Probable Players

Shawn Ashley
Peter Bruzek
Dean Carlson
Matthew Gilman
Sarah Johnson
David Larson
Brooks Maki
Andrew M
Matt Novak
Ian Pratt
Joseph Rakstad
Eric Schapp
Erik Sundberg
Catherine Wells
Colin Woolston