I will assume meat, greekhouse and nibbish are in since they all voted for The Simpsons.

I’m not entirely sure of all the roles, but there will be an obscene number of them.

The Angel will probably be Hibbert. Dr. Nick could also be an angel, but he’d have to have a low success rate.
Mr. Burns will probably be a wolf.
Moe should be present, with a simplified version of the bar options in the Speakeasy.
The Stonecutters will be able to do what Kyle and Stan did last time. Lenny and Carl are the obvious ones, but I could also use Number One and Steve Guttenberg.
Kang and Kodos may be wolves that have the same opportunity to talk during the day that the Stonecutters do.
The Simpsons will probably all be present, but I’m not sure what they’ll be doing.
Santa’s Little Helper might be the Seer. You know, dogs sensing evil and all that.
Additionally, each day, one person will have to speak in the colloquialisms of a certain character, no matter their actual role. Groundskeeper Willie, the Sea Captain, Sideshow Bob, Luigi…there are a lot of possibilities here.

Let me know if you’re in. Survivor X is just around the corner, so this will either start tomorrow (if everyone’s cool with that) or perhaps early next week. If it’s next week, we can always do a fun turbo night between now and then again.

Oh, and I still really need one more writer for Survivor X.


hungry joe
Will Young