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Well, here we are to the final three, which ended up being the final two…which sort of ended up being the final one, since one admittedly had to half-ass the thing and said “Give it to [the other guy]!”

Well, [the other guy] in question did a mighty fine job with the thing, going far beyond what I expected by creating friends (if you can call them that) for the user, a progressive storyline on the main page and a pretty cute bit with margarine.

So, it seems this game is ending with a bit of a thud since there were only two finalists and one lobbied for the other to win, but it’s still worth it to see the winner’s webpage:!/profile.php?id=100001040167481&ref=ts

Character: Unlikely Hero. Mother: Yolanda Hero (this made me laugh, as did her profile pic). “Friend”: Da Heckler. “Friend”: a “mysterious” character named “Likely Evildoer.” Ladies and gentlemen, enjoy the tragic story of Unlikely Hero.


Right to it. Fourth place goes to:

Vote One: Brooks Maki.

Vote Two: Beau. “Beau. I agonized over this vote for a long time before deciding to vote for the person that is not me. ”

Vote Three: Beau.

Vote Four: Beau. “We never thought it would get to this so I am sad to say that I took the weenie way out and did a coin flip. Alas, Beau lost and I vote for him to be eliminated.”


So here we are; after the two months of non-submissions, judge lateness, and people taking the game too seriously, it comes to this: Rusty’s final challenge. I’ll cut and paste here.



Open and create a fictional profile on Facebook using only one of the following series of themes. Friend Kelly and Ben by Sunday in the AM.

1. A 37-year-old sous chef from the Deep South. Profile must feature unicorns, Uno, and Brokeback Mountain.

2. A struggling 23-year-old performance artist from the West Coast. Profile must feature margarine, an iPad and Crayons.

3. A 40-year old Mormon from the Northwest. Profile must include Yoda, bananas and cognac.

4. A 30-year-old secretary from the Northeast. Profile must include The Wall Street Journal, oxen and an umbrella.

5. A retired 67-year old widow from the Midwest. Profile must include pajamas, Adam Lambert, and a garden hose.

Friendships will be given 1 to 5 points in the following categories:

a. Intentional hilarity.
b. Unintentional poignance.
c. Ingenuity in use of given themes.
d. General creativity.
e. Overall effectiveness of profile.

The friend with the most points wins the challenge and his or her creator wins KellyFace Survivor.


You know? Back when Rusty won this challenge I thought I was going to want to make minor changes to the scoring, but I think it’s pretty great as it is. Get crackin’, Survivors. I won’t put any limits on the amount of content this time, which means we might end up judging for a good month, but hey: it’s been the shortest game of Survivor ever, so what’s a few extra weeks? (I keed, I keed…we hope to have results on that day or the next).

In the unlikely event of a tie, we’ll have one more challenge. Otherwise, the next post will contain links to all three pages, comments, and your winner. In the meantime, I’ll be trying to figure out a way to run this game without inevitably driving people batshit crazy.

Cheers, Finalists. Good game.

Your competition, and also you



I: Rachel “The Double-Dealer” Flynn

II: Ryan “The Snake” Fossum

III: Patrick “The Gentleman” Kozicky

IV: Brienne “The Submitter” Maner

V: Rusty “The Porn Star” Greene

VI: Brooks “The Unlikely Hero” Maki

VII: William “The Soulful” Schuth

VIII: Brooks “The Survivor” Maki

IX: Zack “The Ice Cream Man” Sauvageau

X: Pete “The Vacuum Cleaner” Bruzek

Turbo: Brooks “The 1956-1979 Montreal Canadiens” Maki

XI: Matt “The Cold-Hearted Motherf*&^er” Novak

All-Stars (XII): Andy “The Quiet Man” Rustleund

XIII: Sarah “Clarence’s Hope” Bizek

XIV: Dan “The Professional” Kautz

XV: Christina “Assault And” Pepper

XVI: Matt “The First-Time Player” Novak

XVII: Stacy “Saintly Patience” Snell

XVIII: Brian “Checkmate” David

XIX: Annette “Eammon for the Top” Barron

XX: Daniel “Neville “Smash “Hardware” Hardwood” Longbottom” Caouette

XXI: Pete “The Comeback Kid” Bruzek

XXII: Dan “The Even More Professional” Kautz

XXIII: Melissa “Don’t You (Forget About Me)” David

XXIV: Stacy “Fucking” Snell

I: Dragging Rivet’s Name Through the Mud One Last Time: Matt Novak (Ultragrandpa) and Michael Rivet (Friph Flipher-Fiph)
II: Bahambo Number 5: Pete “Triple Crown” Bruzek and Michelle “Single Tiara…So Far” Pratt

I: Brooks “Oh, for the Love of God” Maki
II: Michael “#DDB” Rivet
III: Pete “Fortune’s Fool” Bruzek
IV: Erin “All Seven and We’ll Watch Them Fall” Leslie
V: Jake “Littlefinger” Elliott

2014: Brooks “The Creator” Maki
2015: Matt “The Artist” Novak
2016: Matt “Waited Them Out” Novak
2017: Annette “I Would’ve Voted for You” Barron

2013: #21 Greg “The Gallant Glutton of Greatness” Johnson
2014: #29 Jonathon “Big Papa” Pope
2015: #8 Christina “Am I in This?” Pepper
2016: #22 Annette “No Backs Stabbed” Barron
2017: #30 Bernice “The Vulture” Nicaise
2018: #17 Carrie “Solid Gold” Bard
2019: #16 Jake “The Jabroni” Elliott

(Writing, non-elimination)
I: Sarah “Centipede Face” Johnson
II: Sarah “The Johnson Eliminator” Wreisner
III: Colin “Lonely Old Moon” Woolston
IV: Melissa “Not Sidebar Material” Diamond
V: Sama “No Family Reunions” Smith
VI: Sarah “Tumor Face” Wreisner
VII: John “Cult Following” Wreisner
VIII: Joshua “Peed the Bed” Longman
VIII: Annette “Oh, Right, That’s Who Won” Barron

WEREWOLF (most recent)

Werewolf Stats Spreadsheet

I (Pure): Matthew “The Obsessor” Gilman
I (Power): Kelly “The Novak-Destroyer” Wells

I: Matt “Exploiter of Worlds” Novak (France)

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