Rachel’s are here: http://www.kodakgallery.com/Slideshow.jsp?mode=fromshare&conn_speed=1&Uc=gcfib38.1wmklr8c&Uy=ltwa1z&Ux=1
Cathy’s are here: http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/catthorne/album?.dir=/6d13re2&.src=ph&.tok=phex0kFBdAWRHJkr
Sam’s were sent in a zip file, which is all well and good for sizing, but also means I can’t put them on a hosting site. If you want to see them, I’ll send them to you.
And then there’s Josh. He didn’t do any.
Okay, here’s the results of who got each of the first sixteen filled:
1 A limo: Rachel
2 A fire hydrant next to an oak tree: Cathy, Rachel
3 Someone sleeping in public: Cathy, Rachel, Sam
4 A red car with a female driver: Cathy, Rachel
5 A tombstone with the name “Olson”: Cathy, Rachel
6 A child with a stuffed animal: Cathy, Rachel
7 The Galactic Pizza delivery “car”: Rachel
8 Someone eating sushi. : Rachel
9 A green car parked in front of McDonald’s: Cathy, Rachel
10 A grown man under five feet tall: Cathy, Rachel Note: check out Cathy’s; he’s a guy who was born with no arms or legs. Apparently, he’s known in Austin, Texas as “the karaoke guy.” That guy must be one hell of a good singer to have no limbs and have a nickname that doesn’t incorporate that fact. I wish I could’ve heard him sing.
11 A very large man of over 40 wearing a pink shirt: Cathy, Rachel
12 At least six cows in one photo: Cathy, Rachel
13 Any recognizable Minnesota sports figure or professional wrestler; you must be in the photo with them: Cathy (Justin Morneau), Rachel (Joe Nathan). Now, I totally got served on this one. Cathy’s part in the photo is only her shoulder, which I know is hers only because I took the picture. Rachel’s is even funnier. Either way, it’s cool with me, because I love both those guys and am happy to have them in the game. Welcome, guys!
14 A sign in a store with either a misspelling or bad grammar: Cathy (Tom Yorke instead of Thom Yorke), Rachel (“Please no touch her”, referring to a Pewter statue of a female warrior). That sounds like ESL, I would imagine.
15 A kid who looks like either Harry Potter or Hermione Granger (from the movies): Rachel (the picture is Emily from Cannibal!. I never would’ve thought of it, but huh. Yep. Emily=Emma.
16 A goth kid giving two thumbs up: Cathy gets 1/2 point. The kid is giving one thumb up. This could just as easily be worth no points, but in my semi-drunken sun-soaked Austin City Limits countenance, I said I’d give her that. Oh well. Rachel gets a full point, but I should probably give her several. I’m not going to, but don’t worry, the scores don’t end up as such that it will matter.
After the 16 “fill the requirement” photos, it’s Rachel 16, Cathy 11 and 1/2, and Sam with 1.
17 “Size does matter”: All three girls fit the picture. All were pretty good, but I went with Cathy’s (if you don’t see why, read the guy’s shirt).
18 “This is not what I expected to see first thing in the morning.”: Filled by all. Cathy’s is the first instance of her getting in trouble for a picture of me being included (no, not really, but I look pretty damn stupid). Rachel’s is hilarious, though obviously posed for the game. Sam’s is also hilarious (and dirty), and although it wasn’t posed for the game, it was definitely posed. So who wins? Hell, I don’t even know which I like better. I’ll say this one’s a wash. Points for none!
19 “Sometimes, a little lube goes a long way.”: Filled by Sam and Rachel. I’ll go with Sam here.
20 “I know I asked you to bring me some food, but this is ridiculous.”: Filled by all, and all very different. I like Sam’s, though, because it’s absolute insanity. She only needs 13 points in the last 10 pictures to force a tie! Oh, wait.
21 “That cat does NOT know what it’s in for.”: Filled by all. They’re all funny/cute, but Sam’s is also beautifully dark, so hers gets the point.
22 “The best way to scratch an itch.”: That’s my insane mother-in-law scratching her back with a rake. Rachel’s is funny too, but Sam gets yet another point for using this hilarious picture and bringing Bob and Ben back into the game.
23 “Something tells me that he didn’t want us to see that.”: All three of these are pretty sweet too, but Cathy’s is my favorite. Rachel’s is very different, and I agonized over this one.
24 “It was like that when I got here!”: Filled by all. I don’t know who that girl in Sam’s picture is, but that picture is damn funny; the picture of my daughter, though, is one of my favorite of her and also fits perfectly. Point for Cathy.
25 “Did you mean to do that?”: This is the first instance of someone other than Cathy using a picture of me, as Rachel uses one from Mari’s birthday party. Cathy used my intense dislike of full-size cardboard cutouts and my hatred of John Wayne. Sam’s is a picture I’ve seen before, but is very sweet. I’ll go with Sam’s again.
26 “Excuse me, I believe I ordered a large.”: Cathy was going to take a picture of the enormous Heineken balloon outside the ACL park, but forgot. It would’ve been awesome, but still wouldn’t have beat Sam’s perfect entry. Rachel’s is very unorthodox and cute, and I wish she and Cathy weren’t being so soundly defeated in the caption ones because their stuff is really good. Oh well.
Score with four left: Rachel 16, Cathy 14 and 1/2, Sam 7.
27 “You’re fired.”: Ooh! That one’s Rachel’s, no question. Check out that crazy evil-looking picture of Mari at one month old, though.
28 “I’d like to have your vote in November.”: Oh boy, there’s another definite point for Rachel. The others are fun as well (the picture of me, another fairly old one, is pretty funny).
29 “Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”: Impressively, two babies were used in this one; the baby carrying a hammer in Rachel’s isn’t too imposing otherwise, nor is Mari with the branch-thing she’s holding (you should look at that one, though, it’s a great one I’d forgotten all about). Sam’s is just really cool, and it gets the point.
30 “Please, honey! Not in public.”: I really don’t want to get shut out in another picture I’m in, because that picture is really funny and I look like a total douchebag, but Sam’s fits the caption best. God, she kicked so much ass on these that it’s a shame she didn’t get more of the first 16.
Final score: Rachel 18, Cathy 14 and 1/2, Sam 9.
Immune: Rachel Flynn
‘member when I said that whole goth thing didn’t matter? I bet you think that’s because Rachel won immunity. But it’s actually because Josh Mitchell has decided to eliminate himself, citing his inability to consistently keep up with the game and the game’s sheer length. That’s odd to me considering there’s only one challenge left, but that’s where it’s at. The men, not long ago largely outnumbering the women in this game, have all been eliminated. Very important note: Josh said this a few days ago, and if he suddenly changes his tune, I’ll say so. But he’d probably be voted out anyway, so it doesn’t really matter.
Flynn. Fronek. Wells. You three are the biggest of all KAWK Monkeys.
Challenge 13, the final challenge, is soon to follow. It’s called A Thousand Words: Part III, and I hope you didn’t start writing it based on Josh’s original pitch, because I made a couple very important changes to it. You’ll hate me. Cheers.