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Well here we are, players, at the end of another fine, unpredictable game. If you haven’t listened to the Salmon Walk podcast announcing identities yet, you really should. If you have, do it again. I’ll be here when you’re done.



Welcome back from the podcast! Any other business for you to tend to? Okay, good. Let’s see who won this damn thing.

I think everyone knows this, but you want to see your name here. Votes are to name a winner.

Hope, who was never very hopeful, and Sass, who was never very sassy – are y’all ready for this?


Hope Martell


The History of Sass


The History of Sass


Hope Martell


The History of Sass

…….five votes without comments?! Oh well. 3-2 Sass so far.


My vote is 100% wholeheartedly for SASS. She took up the torch in my absence and in my opinion worked very hard and is deserving of the title. Thanks for the fun game, Kelly!


Hope Martell. The largest part of my reasoning is that I had absolutely zero contact with History of Sass, and it is difficult to vote for someone I have no insight on. I do regret that I didn’t speak with Sass. I look forward to opportunities in the future in which I can talk with the player behind Sass. That being said, it is definitely not the only reason why I pick Hope. Hope is correct in her statements, she played a very “Go with the flow” game for a while. If anyone asked me at the time of my demise to describe Hope, “Dominant” would not be used. That’s why I like that she’s here. You see, it’s not always the normal take-charge person that wins. It can be the mammal living underground that survives the meteor strike. This by no means says I’m calling Hope’s gameplay spineless. Quite the contrary, if everything she did was thought out as I believe it was, it’s pretty clever. That cleverness wins my vote. Can’t say I’ll be disappointed either way, though. Good luck to both! -Smash Hardwood Out-


In the Jury room I said whoever gives the better explanation of their game timeline (or something like that) would probably get my vote. I think I’m going to stick to that; but on a lot of levels I wished I had asked a few better questions. You both played tremendous games and it was a fun ride, but in the end I’m going to have to go with the person who I have a better understanding of: History of Sass. This isn’t an alliance thing, I mean she/he did try to vote me out and he/she and Reese were not on my dance card. I just have a better understanding of her game and see how she/he switched it on in the last couple of rounds. Hope I look forward to playing with you again. Like I said you both played great games, ones that I can only dream of.


Well played, both of you! This season was a lot of fun, and I’m glad that we have a couple of finalists who clearly fight to get where they are. In the end, though, Hope played the type of game that I can respect just a little more. She was loyal when she was able to be, cutthroat when she had to be, and took (in my opinion) the steps needed to ensure a spot in the end while never settling to be another player’s pawn. Nicely done, Hope.


Hope Martell. Fun Fact: Salmon can be extremely persuasive.

Well, well, well. We have a 5-5 tie with just a single vote to go. No pressure, Toothless Hustle.

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In which Interesting Salmon and I talk through all the true identities of the players, and make some comments at your expense (okay, it’s mostly good stuff).

This means that all the votes to win are in! Once everyone’s had a chance to listen, I’ll be posting the final…uh, post. I figure that’ll be in about two weeks.

…I KID, I KID. I’ll probably post either later tonight or tomorrow morning.

Some folks, particularly on mobile, have issues opening podcasts here in this manner. If this is you and you want to hear it, email me; I have a way to email you a link that’ll work.

Jurors, my apologies for the insane length of this post. Finalists, I am very pleased by your commitment to the game, and that you’re trying to win. Onward!
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Jurors, answer your own and send them to me via email. Also, add a final plea with anything else you feel you need to cover. You’ll note not everyone asked questions and some people only asked them of one person. They were allowed to do this, so nothing is actually missing.



To Hope: When you found out my true identity, did you use that against me to try and destroy my game? Do you regret any moves or decisions you made to get where you are? Or did you in fact actually make any moves or decisions on your own before the last stage of the game? I need 100% truth because my vote is in the balance.

To Sass: You were loyal the entire time we played together, and so much fun to play with…After I was booted by the idol, I knew anyone aligned with me was in trouble but I expected one or two to slip through the cracks if they could play it right…and here you are! I couldn’t be more proud of you or happy to see you in the final two. You’ve worked hard and you deserve it. That being said my question is if you could replace Hope with any two jurors to make it a final 3, who do you think deserves the spots? (I’m not fishing for you to answer me, so don’t feel obligated to include me in that if I’m not your answer) Congrats, Sass!


Ok here are my questions for the jury!

Congratulations to both Sass and Hope for making it to the final 2. I have one question for each of you.

Sass: You played a virtually invisible game early on, and I didn’t hear much of or about you until the end of the game. I don’t doubt that there is a strategic player deep down, but I haven’t had the chance to see it. Before I can consider voting for you, I need to hear more about you and why you deserve my vote. My question to you is what was your strategy initially coming into this season and how did it change as the season progressed?

Hope: We did talk on a few occasions, and from what I can tell you are a decent person; however, I saw nothing from you game wise. I’m not one to usually take crazy risks in my games *chuckles* but at least I think for myself. It didn’t seem like you were making decisions for yourself at all! Instead, it seemed like every decision was being made for you and you were simply “riding coattails to the end” as they would say on the show, so frustrating to watch quite honestly. I would like to know if there was any game move, or decision for that matter, that you made on your own? I’m sorry, but I just don’t see you as someone who did much when at all game wise, prove me wrong.


Congratulations to both of you! Making it to the end is not easy, so the fact that you both were able to make it is impressive. That being said I have a question for each of you, my mind is not made up and the way you answer mine as well as others will determine who gets my vote to win.

Sass: my fellow c.I member! I am so happy to see you making it to the end, slowly the alliance crumbled and I felt I would be seeing you on the jury, so I am relieved you’re not! What would you say you are most proud about of your gameplay? And if you could change one thing about it what would you do?

Hope: I view your game differently then I do with Sass. From my perspective you stuck with your alliance and was too scared to make moves until you were forced to. Was that your plan the whole time? Get into an alliance and slip through to the end? Or did you end up doing that just as an easy way out?

Good luck to you both may the best win!


This question goes to both finalists:

You’re trapped in a basement that’s filling up with water and your leg is caught. It’s filling fast and your only hope of escape is the window above you. There’s a zombie coming at you, ready to make a sandwich out of your face. You have only 2 things within reach to use. You must use one to fight the zombie, but using it will render it useless in your escape from the basement. The other must be used in some way after killing the zombie. The two items are a flotation device and a baby harp seal. What do you do, and why?

Hard question from Hardwood.


Sass, you were ostensibly collaborating with Hope in the final challenge. So why were you feeding info to Toothless via coded messages in the group chat?

Another question for Sass:
Once the game got down to the final 5 players, you had a clear path to the end. But what about before that? How clear of an endgame plan did you have, and what key actions did you take to act on that plan?


my question for Hope: you made such a big deal all game about loyalty. So why did you turn on Nuggets, causing her to be eliminated?


To Hope: Describe your strategy after the Smash elimination. What was your strategy to stay in the game, and what did you do to put yourself in the best position possible?


Both: What significant alliances did you make throughout the game? What made them work/not work and how did you use those alliances to your advantage?

Both: Describe your strategy and how it developed during the course of the game.
Which challenge was the most important for you and why?


Both: Who was your greatest influencer pre and post merge, and how did you compensate when they were voted out? Also who were you most successful influencing?

Well, Smash may not be around anymore, but he left his mark on the game. Today, we do his final challenge (and we may even finish it today, since you all voted so early).

But we ahould eliminate someone first.

Vote One: Salamangela. “When you betray everyone as many times as you have, they have no loyalty left. Sorry.”

Vote Two: The History of Sass. “Whatever it’s been fun”
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All four people voted for low to win. Well, huh.

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Guys! Nothing is random or unimportant. This title said it all: you don’t want to be high or low.

Hope, as the low number, you are out of the challenge. Sass, as the high, so are you.

Now, all four of you vote for either the higher number of those still alive in the challenge wins Immunity, or the low. So if you were all four to vote high, and Crispy O’Shanter was the high number, then he would win.

As was predetermined, the person of Sal and Toothless who originally sent their number first will win a tie. Fortune favors the bold! Except for the times it favors the meek.

You have until 10 tonight to make your choice. You probably won’t need that much time, but you have it. As always, if it ends early, I’ll post.

The first thing each of you have to do is pick a number 1-100. You have until 7 Central. At that time I’ll finish with the description.

29 eliminations? What kind of ridiculous indulgence IS this?

Vote One: Interesting Salmon. “Sorry Salmon, this is ONLY because I view you as a more than worthy opponent and a big threat…purely a game move. I very much respect your game.”

Vote Two: Interesting Salmon. “Fun fact: this is survivor and in survivor, threats get voted out. Sorry!”

Vote Three: The History of Sass. “This sassy story shall now come to an end.”

Vote Four: The History of Sass.
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Well, that was a beating.

It’s been a very long vacation and I’ve had a long and tough day, so that’s about it. Vote for anyone else by tomorrow night at 9pm Central. I’ll be on the road but will post at some point.

Cheers, Survivors.

Your competition, and also you



I: Rachel “The Double-Dealer” Flynn

II: Ryan “The Snake” Fossum

III: Patrick “The Gentleman” Kozicky

IV: Brienne “The Submitter” Maner

V: Rusty “The Porn Star” Greene

VI: Brooks “The Unlikely Hero” Maki

VII: William “The Soulful” Schuth

VIII: Brooks “The Survivor” Maki

IX: Zack “The Ice Cream Man” Sauvageau

X: Pete “The Vacuum Cleaner” Bruzek

Turbo: Brooks “The 1956-1979 Montreal Canadiens” Maki

XI: Matt “The Cold-Hearted Motherf*&^er” Novak

All-Stars (XII): Andy “The Quiet Man” Rustleund

XIII: Sarah “Clarence’s Hope” Bizek

XIV: Dan “The Professional” Kautz

XV: Christina “Assault And” Pepper

XVI: Matt “The First-Time Player” Novak

XVII: Stacy “Saintly Patience” Snell

XVIII: Brian “Checkmate” David

XIX: Annette “Eammon for the Top” Barron

XX: Daniel “Neville “Smash “Hardware” Hardwood” Longbottom” Caouette

XXI: Pete “The Comeback Kid” Bruzek

XXII: Dan “The Even More Professional” Kautz

XXIII: Melissa “Don’t You (Forget About Me)” David

XXIV: Stacy “Fucking” Snell

I: Dragging Rivet’s Name Through the Mud One Last Time: Matt Novak (Ultragrandpa) and Michael Rivet (Friph Flipher-Fiph)
II: Bahambo Number 5: Pete “Triple Crown” Bruzek and Michelle “Single Tiara…So Far” Pratt

I: Brooks “Oh, for the Love of God” Maki
II: Michael “#DDB” Rivet
III: Pete “Fortune’s Fool” Bruzek
IV: Erin “All Seven and We’ll Watch Them Fall” Leslie
V: Jake “Littlefinger” Elliott

2014: Brooks “The Creator” Maki
2015: Matt “The Artist” Novak
2016: Matt “Waited Them Out” Novak
2017: Annette “I Would’ve Voted for You” Barron

2013: #21 Greg “The Gallant Glutton of Greatness” Johnson
2014: #29 Jonathon “Big Papa” Pope
2015: #8 Christina “Am I in This?” Pepper
2016: #22 Annette “No Backs Stabbed” Barron
2017: #30 Bernice “The Vulture” Nicaise
2018: #17 Carrie “Solid Gold” Bard
2019: #16 Jake “The Jabroni” Elliott

(Writing, non-elimination)
I: Sarah “Centipede Face” Johnson
II: Sarah “The Johnson Eliminator” Wreisner
III: Colin “Lonely Old Moon” Woolston
IV: Melissa “Not Sidebar Material” Diamond
V: Sama “No Family Reunions” Smith
VI: Sarah “Tumor Face” Wreisner
VII: John “Cult Following” Wreisner
VIII: Joshua “Peed the Bed” Longman
VIII: Annette “Oh, Right, That’s Who Won” Barron

WEREWOLF (most recent)

Werewolf Stats Spreadsheet

I (Pure): Matthew “The Obsessor” Gilman
I (Power): Kelly “The Novak-Destroyer” Wells

I: Matt “Exploiter of Worlds” Novak (France)

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